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Crossing into the US

More aliens try to enter for amnesty

    The number of illegal aliens caught crossing into the United States increased dramatically just days after President Bush proposed a guest-worker program that would give legal status to millions of illegal immigrants now in this country, according to the union that represents the Border Patrol's 9,000 field agents.
    The National Border Patrol Council said apprehension totals increased threefold in the San Diego area alone, adding that the vast majority of aliens detained along the border told arresting agents that they had come to the United States seeking amnesty.
    Most of those arrested and, eventually, deported had no history of immigration violations, the council said.
    Law-enforcement authorities, immigration specialists and others — including the council — had predicted that the Bush proposal, outlined Jan. 7, would lead to increased illegal immigration by those seeking to take advantage of what many perceived to be an offer of limited amnesty.
    The White House painstakingly has denied that the president's guest-worker proposal offers amnesty, saying instead that illegal aliens who hold jobs in the United States would be given only temporary work permits, not placed on the path to citizenship, and that they eventually would have to go home.
    Outlined as a set of principles and not as specific legislation, the Bush proposal does not prescribe any penalties for those who entered the country illegally and would allow them to remain in the United States for renewable three-year periods.
    Meanwhile, the Border Patrol has canceled a survey of illegal aliens detained at the U.S.-Mexico border that had sought to establish whether "rumors of amnesty" after Mr. Bush proposed his guest-worker program influenced their decision to cross into the United States.
    Described as routine information gathering "critical to the better enforcement of immigration laws," the confidential survey — developed by Border Patrol officials in Washington — was scrubbed Jan. 27 after its public disclosure. Agency executives determined that the survey, which had begun two weeks earlier, had become compromised.
    "The questions are no longer being asked, but the Border Patrol will continue to gather and analyze operational intelligence as necessary," said Mario Villarreal, spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Border Patrol's parent agency.
    The Border Patrol survey has not been made public nor have any preliminary results, but agents said it contained 13 questions, including one specifically concerning the guest-worker proposal. The agents referred to the survey as the "amnesty questionnaire," although the Border Patrol denied that it was politically motivated or that it was intended to imply that Mr. Bush was calling for a general amnesty.
    The government has estimated that 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens, mostly Mexican nationals, are in the United States.
    Since the Bush proposal was announced, the administration has rolled out its top immigration officials and several senior Republican senators to endorse it, saying it would fix a broken immigration system, allow U.S. businesses to hire needed workers, bring illegal aliens into the mainstream economy and assure greater homeland security.
    Several leading Republicans have questioned the proposal and others have suggested that Mr. Bush needs to do a better job of explaining the proposal to a public overwhelmingly opposed to the legalization of millions of illegal aliens.
    Sen. Jon Kyl — Arizona Republican and chairman of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on terrorism, technology and homeland security, and a member of the subcommittee on immigration, border security and citizenship — said the Bush plan was "subject to misinterpretation" and, as a result, "needed further clarification."
    Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican and a member of the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, border security and claims, said that the proposal, by definition, is an amnesty program and that past amnesty programs "have not reduced illegal immigration; rather, they have increased illegal immigration."
    "Amnesty rewards those who broke our laws, and thus encourages others to do the same," Mr. Smith said. "Our immigration policies should do the opposite — discourage lawbreakers by sending the message that illegal entry into the United States will not be rewarded."
    Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican and a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has asked Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to explain whether "rumors of amnesty" concerning the Bush proposal had played any role in attempts by illegal aliens to cross the border.
    Mr. Grassley told Mr. Ridge in a letter this week he is concerned that illegal aliens are risking their lives and putting their futures in the hands of corrupt alien smugglers in an attempt to gain entry to the United States to cash in on pending immigration reform that could offer them limited amnesty.
    He said the "notion of legalization has been erroneously conveyed around the country and even abroad," adding that the Border Patrol questionnaire "raises some questions as to the consequence of the president's reform initiative."
    In his letter, Mr. Grassley asked Mr. Ridge to determine who authorized the questionnaire, who tallied the responses, what the preliminary report suggested, how aliens were hearing about "amnesty proposals" and whether those "rumors" were influencing their decision to enter the United States.
    The National Border Patrol Council has told its members to challenge the guest-worker proposal, calling it a "slap in the face to anyone who has ever tried to enforce the immigration laws of the United States."

By Jerry Seper


TOEFL® Exame de Proficiência

Exame de Proficiência TOEFL®
Preparatório para Exames em Inglês

Preparation for Proficiency

Público alvo: Estudantes que precisam prestar exames de proficiência em inglês para universidades ou empresas que necessitam de avaliar a capacidade de comunicação de seus clientes internos, processo de seleção e contratação ou promoção.

Objetivo do curso: O curso tem por objetivo treinar o estudante a adquirir o conhecimento e ajudar a desenvolver habilidades necessárias para prestarem exames de conhecimento de inglês como segunda língua. Materiais autênticos, diagnóstico, simulados e testes.

O curso ensina as estratégias de teste, como também provê os fundamentos da língua necessários para obtenção de uma excelente pontuação.

TOEFL TSE GMAT PET CPE FCE TOEIC IELTS GRE Oxford Higher Cambridge First Certificate Ariels Higher TWE BEI LCCIEB Oxford Preliminary Cambridge Advanced Ariels Preliminary

Realização: NAT® Professional English


Outras informações:

Kenneth McCorvey
Communication & Marketing

NAT English Naturally
© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.


Banking & Finance

International Banking & Finance
Ideal para profissionais da área econômica, financeira e bancária.

Público alvo: Estudantes e profissionais que precisam de inglês financeiro.

Objetivo do curso: O curso tem por objetivo ensinar as estratégias como também provê os fundamentos da língua necessários para treinar o estudante a adquirir o conhecimento e ajudar a desenvolver habilidades indispensáveis para o desempenho da função na área de operações financeiras e negociações internacional.

Características: Desenvolvido através de vocabulário específico com terminologia técnica em inglês Americano e Britânico.

Pré-testes, concursos, desde abertura de contas a operações financeiras internacionais.

Each of the nine thematically based units deals with up-to-date topics and contain listening extracts, speaking activities and reading passages designed to match the needs and interests of the learner. Writing tasks are included where appropriate. Topics covered include different types of bank organization, international currency dealing, trade finance and financial news.

Nível: intermediário e pré-avançado

Realização: NAT® Professional English


Outras informações:

estudiantes indocumentados

Excluyen a estudiantes indocumentados de actividades deportivas

Dirigentes deportivos de Carolina de Sur decidieron excluir a los inmigrantes indocumentados de equipos de fútbol estudiantiles que participan en la actual temporada.

El semanario "La Voz Independiente" reveló que a los menores de edad de varias escuelas de la zona de Greenville y Spartanburg, se les comunicó que no podían integrar los equipos por no tener los documentos migratorios en regla.

"Un equipo de la escuela secundaria Greer, de la ciudad de Greer, fue desmantelado totalmente", contó a EFE Rossy Bedoya, periodista del semanario, que dio a conocer el caso.
"El entrenador del equipo de los 'juniors', Dwight VonKolnitz, me dijo que estaba apenado, pero que tenía que cumplir las normas", agregó Bedoya.

La Liga de Escuelas Secundarias de Carolina del Sur (SCHSL), organización que gobierna el deporte de los planteles educativos del estado, exige que los estudiantes presenten documentos de inmigración para comprobar la edad de los jugadores.

"Sirve la tarjeta de residente, cualquier documento expedido por las autoridades de Inmigración o el pasaporte con que entraron al país", dijo a EFE Roger Hazel, subdirector ejecutivo de la Liga, que tiene su sede en Columbia, la capital de Carolina del Sur.

Immigration pact

No immigration pact will come out of meeting with Bush, Fox says

Fox and Bush
MEXICO CITY - Mexican President Vicente Fox said Wednesday that talks on immigration reform with American officials have ended for now and that there won't be any new announcements on the subject when he meets with President Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin next week. "President Bush has in his hands all the information, all the instruments to convert immigration initiatives into legislation," said Fox. "But it's up to him and the U.S. Congress to lead us into orderly, legal migration which is beneficial to all."

Fox came to office in 2000 pledging to work for reforms that would make life less precarious for the hundreds of thousands of Mexicans who work illegally in the United States. But his hopes that Bush would be able to bring about reforms were dashed by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which refocused American attention on securing borders.

Indocumentados en EE.UU. superan los 10 millones

Indocumentados en EE.UU. superan los 10 millones
La población de inmigrantes indocumentados del país se incrementó a 10,3 millones el año pasado,
impulsada principalmente por la llegada de mexicanos, indica un informe difundido el lunes.
En EEUU hay casi 11 millones de indocumentados, de los que más de 6 millones son mexicanos.
- La población de residentes indocumentados en Estados Unidos aumentó en aproximadamente 23% en
el período de cuatro años que concluyó en marzo con respecto a la cifra anterior de 8,4 millones,
según el análisis de información gubernamental que hizo el Centro Hispánico Pew, un organismo
privado de investigación.
Eso equivale a un incremento neto de aproximadamente 485.000 personas al año entre el 2000 y el
2004. La cifra fue obtenida al restar el número de inmigrantes no autorizados que salen de
Estados Unidos, fallecen o adquieren residencia legal del número de nuevos indocumentados que
llegan cada año.
La perspectiva de obtener mejores oportunidades de empleo en Estados Unidos que en sus países de
origen sigue siendo un poderoso atractivo para muchos inmigrantes, dijo Roberto Suro, director
del centro Pew, causa mencionada con frecuencia por otros investigadores.
"Los esfuerzos federales (para disminuir el acceso de ilegales) se han centrado en la frontera,
pero el flujo no ha disminuido. Evidentemente indica un incremento en la demanda", señaló.

Wal-Mart paga multa y dice desconocía que empleaba indocumentados
Ponen en marcha campaña para persuadir al Senado contra 'Real ID Act'
México denuncia fraude contra indocumentados por internet
Seguridad fronteriza acapara debate previo a cumbre Bush-Fox
Detectarán con sensores cruce indocumentados en túneles drenaje en Texas
Iniciativa en California busca que más residentes se conviertan en ciudadanos
'EE.UU. no permitirá medidas extralegales contra migrantes', dice Rice
El presidente Saca satisfecho por inscripción de salvadoreños en TPS
Pequeños negocios hispanos representan 15.000 millones para IT
El ombudsman mexicano lamenta el efecto dominó de leyes antiinmigrantes
Los hispanos en California viven cinco años más que el resto de la población
Excluyen a estudiantes indocumentados de actividades deportivas
Proyecto de ley para castigar a quienes contraten indocumentados
México contrata abogados para defender a inmigrantes en Arizona
Protestan contra informe que culpa inmigrantes de pérdidas a EE.UU.
Deportarán en Arizona a inmigrantes culpables de delitos
Proponen endurecer penas a empleadores de indocumentados
Dan a conocer informe maltrato indocumentados en frontera con México
Encuesta halla que hispanos dicen que no a licencias diferentes


TOEFL changes

The Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL® is undergoing some important changes. In order to meet the challenge of providing a more comprehensive assessment of an applicant’s ability to understand and use the English language in an academic environment, the next generation TOEFL® has been developed to assess all four language skills - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. While some questions in each of the sections will be similar to questions found on the current computer-based TOEFL® test (CBT), others will be new.

The scoring system will change as well. Each of the four language skills will now be reported on a scale of 0 to 25 and there will also be a total score. In addition, the next generation TOEFL® will no longer have computer-adaptive sections; it will be a linear assessment test covering a full range of question difficulty. Note taking will be allowed on the new TOEFL® in order to better reflect real-life academic situations. The new TOEFL® will take approximately four hours to finish.

Starting in July 2004, students will be introduced to this new version of the TOEFL® on the Internet. Full-length tests will be unproctored (i.e.: not supervised), and the scores will be given to the examinee only. In September 2005, the next generation TOEFL® will begin to be administered at official ETS test centers.

A very important change to the TOEFL® is the inclusion of a mandatory speaking component - the Academic Speaking Test (AST). This test will last approximately 20 minutes. Your responses will be recorded on tape and then reviewed later and given a score. During the test you will be asked six questions, two of which will focus on familiar topics. The other four will ask about short conversations, lectures, and reading passages. Both the questions and the reading passages will be printed in the test book. The time you have to prepare your response and speak will be printed below each question. The preparation time begins as soon as the question is finished, and you will be told when to begin speaking.

Example 1:

Narrator: Number 1.

You will now be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better and why?

Preparation time: 15 secondsResponse time: 45 seconds

Example 2:

Narrator: Number 2.

You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
The administration at Central University feels it needs to find a way for more people to be able to attend sporting events. Read the article from the university newspaper below. You will have 45 seconds to read it. Begin reading now.

New Stadium Plans

The university has decided to accommodate more people at sporting events and is considering two alternative plans to accomplish this goal. One plan is to expand the current stadium, doubling it in size. The other plan is to build a new, larger stadium on the empty southern edge of the campus. The expansion of the current stadium would be by far the less costly of the two alternatives.

Narrator: Now listen to a student who is speaking at a student council meeting about the stadium plans.

Student: I’m all for saving money, but money isn’t everything. If you look at the area around the stadium, you’ll see that expansion would cause the main street to be rerouted right around a main classroom building. Can you imagine the added noise? Also, they’ll have to build where there are now student parking lots, and we barely have enough parking spaces as it is. And you know that it’ll take up part of the large open area next to the Student Center and that’s become a really popular place for students to hang out in good weather. This is what they should be worried about, not money.

Narrator: The student expresses her opinion about one of the university’s plans for a new stadium. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation time: 30 secondsResponse time: 60 seconds

As you can see from these two examples, the new TOEFL® contains questions that integrate the four basic communication skills; thus, the test is an excellent measure of how well individuals are able to communicate in English in an academic situation. This integrated approach will help students prepare for success in the real academic environments they will be in once they begin their studies.
ESL-Pro, Free-TOEFL, and Free-English will be closely monitoring the introduction of the next generation TOEFL® and will be among the first to offer high-quality test preparation materials for this exam. Check back with us regularly to stay tuned! 
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