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Academic Research Online

Academic Research Online
Google introduces scholarly research tool scholarly search

  • Separate the scholarly content from commercial Web sites
  • Developed algorithms to list the academic research that appears to be most relevant to a search request
  • Google doesn't plan to charge for the service
  • nor use the feature to deliver text-based ads — the primary source of its profits
  • Google also engineered its new system to provide a list of potentially helpful material available at libraries and other offline sources.

Anurag Acharya, a Google engineer who helped develop the new search tools, said: "Google has benefited a lot from scholarly research, so this is one way we are giving back to the scholarly community,"

Online search engine leader Google Inc. is setting out make better sense of all the scholarly work stored on the Web. Last month, Google expanded a program that invites publishers to scan their books into the search engine's index, enabling people to peek at the contents online before deciding whether to buy a copy.

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